Larry Collins

Larry Collins was born in West Hartford, Conn on Sept 14 1929, educated at the Loomis Chaffee Institute in Windsor, Conn and graduated with the Class of 1951 from Yale University. Upon graduation he joined the Advertising Department of Proctor and Gamble in Cincinnati Ohio. Shortly thereafter he was conscripted into the United States Army, He served at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Aberdeen Md, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey and in April 1954 was assigned to the Public Affairs Office of SHAPE, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, the military arm of NATO, the North Atylantic Treaty
Organization, located, at the time, outside Paris, France.

Upon his discharge in April 1955 he returned to Proctor and Gamble where in December 1955 he was named a Product Manager in the company's newly formed Food Products Division. However, he decded a career in journalism would eventually prove more satisfying then one in advertising, left the company and joined the Paris Bureau of the United Press in January 1956.

In February 1957 he was named News Editor of the agency's Rome Bureau and in November of that year was assigned to Beirut as Middle Eastern Correspondent with
responsibility for Lebanon, Syria Jordan, Iraq, Iran. Turkey and the Persian Gulf. In May 1960 he joined Newsweek Magazine as the magazine's Middle Eastern Bureau Chief with India and Pakistan added to his journalistic responsibilities. In May 1962 he was named the magazine's Paris Bureau Chief.

On arrival he resumed his friendship with Dominique Lapierre whom he had met
during his military service at SHAPE. Two years later they published their first joint work IS PARIS BURNING? to great international acclaim. It was followed by OR I'LL DRESS YOU IN MOURNING in 1968, O JERUSALEM in 1971, FREEDOM AT MIDNIGHTin 1976 and THE FIFTH HORSEMAN in 1980. The two then went their separate ways. Collins published FALL FROM GRACE IN 1985, MAZE IN 1989, BLACK EAGLES I N 1995 and TOMORROW BELONGS TO US in 1998. He is the winner of the Mannesman Talley Award and the Deauville Film Festival Literary prize. Collins and Lapierre are at the
moment collaborating on a new book on the Middle East Crisis.He is married
to the former Nadia Hoda Sultan and the father of two sons, J L Collins III and
Michael Kevin and divides his time between London, Ramatuelle France and the


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