Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla
Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla's "The Two Krishnas" Book Launch - Airing on TV Asia
Dear Event Organizer,

Thank you for watching and supporting TV Asia.
The Brief Highlights of the following event is scheduled for airing on TV Asia Community Roundup program on November 1st at 10:30pm (ET) and repeated broadcast on November 2nd at 7:30pm (ET).
Event: Ghalib Shiraz Dhalla's "The Two Krishnas" Book Launch.
In the event of a breaking and urgent story,TV Asia may preempt and replace the current story which however shall always be rescheduled the next day at the same time.

We encourage you and your members to watch the coverage on that day.
Please visit our website for updates on TV Asia programs and schedules regularly.
Best Regards,
The Community Roundup Team at TV Asia.
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