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Erasing Borders 2009: Festival of Indian Dance


There are numerous ways in which you can position your company or brand to the dance community as well as the festival audiences, as a part of the Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance. Our festival brochure is distributed at the Opening Night, Festival Concerts – daytime & evening, Closing Night Dinner and at the Dance Festival Conference. It is also sent to all media, dancers, advertisers, sponsors and corporate contributors. Advertise in our Festival Brochure and reach at least 4000 relevant, pertinent, educated, well-traveled, arts aficionados.
Advertising Rates in the Dance Festival Catalogue:

Full page $1,000
Half page $ 500
Quarter page $250

To advertise in the festival brochure or to send Ad artwork as High-resolution PDFs to please email Office Manager, Nikita at

All camera ready advertisements should be accompanied by a cheque and sent to the following address

146West 29th Street, Suite 7R3,
New York, NY 10001.


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