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June 2, 2010
ALVIN AILEY AMERICAN DANCE THEATER (Thursday) The company returns to Brooklyn with old favorites and the first performance in 35 years of Ailey’s “Mary Lou’s Mass,” commemorating the centennial of the birth of its composer, Mary Lou Williams. (Through June 20.) At 7:30 p.m., Brooklyn Academy of Music, 30 Lafayette Avenue, at Ashland Place, Fort Greene, (718) 636-4100, bam.org; $20 to $70. (Jack Anderson)

AMERICAN BALLET THEATER (Friday and Saturday, Monday through Thursday) This week the company features its new production of John Neumeier’s “Lady of the Camellias,” based on the same Dumas novel that inspired “La Traviata” and “Camille,” on Friday through Monday. Mixed programs of one-act ballets are scheduled for Tuesday through Thursday. (Through July 10.) Friday at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m.; Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m.; Wednesday at 2 and 7:30 p.m.; Metropolitan Opera House, Lincoln Center, (212) 362-6000, abt.org; $20 to $175. (Anderson)

AMERICAN DANCE FESTIVAL (Thursday) This summer’s attractions at this always enterprising festival focus on the question “What is dance theater?” The first troupe to dance an answer is the African American Dance Ensemble, which will transform the stage into a community dancing ground. (Through July 24.) At 8 p.m., Duke University, Reynolds Industries Theater, Durham, N.C., (919) 684-4444, americandancefestival.org; $27. (Anderson)

★ ERASING BORDERS: FESTIVAL OF INDIAN DANCE 2010 (Friday through Sunday) Two evening performances and two days of panels, workshops and demonstrations present an array of forms, old and new, dramatic and non-narrative, traditional and experimental. Performances on Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Workshops and master classes on Saturday from noon to 5:30 p.m. and on Sunday from noon to 3:30 p.m., with an informal performance that begins at 4 p.m. Asia Society and Museum, 725 Park Avenue, at 70th Street, (212) 594-3685, asiasociety.org/erasingborders; $10 to $20; $7 to $18 for students and 65+. (Anderson)

GENE POOL (Thursday) Programs provide a sampling of works by choreographers with longstanding relationships to Dance New Amsterdam. (Through June 13.) At 8 p.m., Dance New Amsterdam, 280 Broadway, at Chambers Street, Lower Manhattan, (212) 625-8369, dnadance.org; $17; $14 for students and 65+. (Anderson)

MARTHA GRAHAM DANCE COMPANY (Tuesday through Thursday) Performances include a new version of “American Document,” a 1938 work in which Graham took the Declaration of Independence and other historically important texts to comment on American political experiences; this revised production by Anne Bogart will use movement and text to offer insights into contemporary politics. (Through June 13.) Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.; Thursday at 8 p.m.; Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Avenue, at 19th Street, Chelsea, (212) 242-0800, joyce.org; $10 to $59. (Anderson)

FRANCESCA HARPER PROJECT (Friday through Sunday) The company offers two premieres, “Bach Remixed” and “Deliberate Joy.” At 8 p.m., Joyce SoHo, 155 Mercer Street, (212) 242-0800, joyce.org; $20; $15 for students and 65+; $50 for the benefit performance on Friday. (Anderson)

IMMEDIATE MEDIUM (Wednesday and Thursday) In “Doesn’t Everybody Do It in Paris?” Liz Vacco deliberately uses untrained dancers to tell the story of Flaubert’s “Madame Bovary” and the life of Eleanor Marx Aveling, Karl Marx’s youngest daughter, who was also the first translator of Flaubert’s novel into English. (Through June 26.) At 8 p.m., IRT, 154 Christopher Street, Greenwich Village, (800) 838-3006, brownpapertickets.com; $15. (Anderson)

SACHIYO ITO AND COMPANY (Thursday) In “Poetry in Motion,” Ms. Ito choreographically fuses dance with classic and modern European, American and Asian poetry. (Through June 12.) At 8 p.m., Joyce SoHo, 155 Mercer Street, (212) 242-0800, joyce.org; $20; $15 for students and 65+. (Anderson)

ISABEL LEWIS (Friday through Sunday) “This piece is about Mr. T, headbanging and Nicole Kidman,” reads the opening description of Isabel Lewis’s new solo show, “Strange Action,” on Performance Space 122’s Web site. (I will spare you the rest of the description, involving anti-gesamptkunstwerk, Beckett and altered states.) Of course these themes are obviously connected. O.K., they’re not at all obviously connected, but if anyone can bring them together and make bizarre sense of it all, it’s the unpredictable, fiercely original Ms. Lewis. Friday at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 8 and 10 p.m.; Sunday at 6 p.m.; Performance Space 122, 150 First Avenue, at Ninth Street, East Village, (866) 811-4111, ps122.org; $20; $15 for students and 65+. (Roslyn Sulcas)

★ LA MAMA MOVES! (Friday through Thursday) The three performance spaces of this vibrant theatrical and dance center will be crowded with more than 75 performers and 20 premieres in this annual dance festival, which is honoring the 90th birthday of Ellen Stewart, La MaMa’s founder. See Web site for performance times and ticket prices. (Through June 20.) La MaMa E.T.C., 74A East Fourth Street, East Village, (866) 811-4111, lamama.org. (Anderson)

MOMIX (Friday through Sunday) There is a lot to admire about this company, which has a devoted following for the visual illusions that its founder, Moses Pendleton, creates through ingenious combinations of movement, props and lighting. Sometimes the effects are dazzling; often the choreography is nondescript and the music an unthreatening new agey blend of nature sounds and rhythmic beats. But audiences like Momix’s kaleidoscopic transformations of bodies into form and shape enough to keep the company at the Joyce for four weeks. This last stretch features “Botanica,” which had its premiere at the Joyce last year. It’s nominally based on the unfolding of the seasons, and it contains effects both wonderful and less memorable. But if you like this genre of dance, it’s entertaining enough. Friday at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m.; Sunday at 2 and 7:30 p.m.; Joyce Theater, 175 Eighth Avenue, at 19th Street, Chelsea, (212) 242-0800, joyce.org; $10 to $59. (Sulcas)

NEW YORK CITY BALLET (Friday through Sunday, Tuesday through Thursday) Melissa Barak’s new ballet receives its premiere on Saturday night (repeat performance Wednesday night); Mauro Bigonzetti’s new ballet bows on Thursday night; there are repeat performances of Christopher Wheeldon’s new ballet on Friday night and Sunday afternoon; and Sunday afternoon is also Yvonne Borree’s farewell performance with the company. (Through June 27.) Friday and Thursday at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m.; Sunday at 3 p.m.; Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:30 p.m.; David H. Koch Theater, Lincoln Center, (212) 870-5570, nycballet.com; $20 to $125. (Anderson)

SCHOOL OF AMERICAN BALLET WORKSHOP PERFORMANCES (Saturday and Tuesday) An annual student presentation, always keenly scrutinized by ballet fans eager to spot new talent, offers three scintillating works: Christopher Wheeldon’s “Scènes de Ballet” and George Balanchine’s “Valse Fantaisie” and “Bourrée Fantasque.” Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m., Tuesday at 7 p.m., Juilliard Theater, 155 West 65th Street, Lincoln Center, (212) 769-7406, sab.org/workshop; $45; $80 to $2,500 for benefit performance on Tuesday. (Anderson)

AMANDA SELWYN DANCE THEATER (Thursday) The company celebrates its 10th anniversary with “Passage,” an evening-length work about overcoming obstacles, discovering resilience and being open to possibilities. (Through June 13.) At 8 p.m., Kumble Theater, Long Island University, Flatbush and DeKalb Avenues, downtown Brooklyn, (718) 488-1624, kumbletheater.tix.com; $100 for the gala. (Anderson)

★ DUSAN TYNEK DANCE THEATER (Friday and Saturday) The Czech choreographer Dusan Tynek has a gift for creating improbable movement and formal, architectural structure. He is also musically acute and interested in choreographing to music, which makes him something of an anomaly in contemporary dance circles. Bach, Carlos Paredes and Czech Gypsy melodies are among the music used for “Middlegame,” one of three new works on a program that also includes a piece set to a ticking metronome and “Transparent Walls,” to an orchestral piece by the contemporary Serbian composer Aleksandra Vrebalov. At 7:30 p.m., Dance Theater Workshop, 219 West 19th Street, Chelsea, (212) 924-0077, dancetheaterworkshop.org; $25; $20 for students and 65+. (Sulcas)

★ DONNA UCHIZONO (Friday and Saturday) It has been 20 years since Ms. Uchizono formed her company, and she has been making dances full of concentrated physical detail and striking visual imagery ever since. She has long shown a decided talent for finding outstanding collaborators, and in her new work, “longing two,” to an original score by James Lo, she once again works with the wonderful dancer Hristoula Harakas, as well as Anna Carapetyan and Savina Theodorou. (Lighting is by the marvelous Joe Levasseur.) Unusually, Ms. Uchizono will also perform in the work, which — even more unusually — begins at the Baryshnikov Arts Center and moves midway to the Kitchen, with transportation provided for the audience. At 7 p.m., Part 1 at the Howard Gilman Performance Space at the Baryshnikov Arts Center, 450 West 37th Street, Manhattan; Part 2 at the Kitchen, 512 West 19th Street, Chelsea, (212) 868-4444, smarttix.com; $20. (Sulcas)

Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/04/arts/dance/04dance.html?adxnnl=1&ref=todayspaper&adxnnlx=1275674596-bdyopvP1LDlCa9GX5JidUw

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