Daily Schedule
August 15 Outdoor Concert
August 16 Indoor Concert
August 17 Workshops/Lec-dem/Panels
Press Release
IAAC Dance Committee
Call for Submission
Erasing Borders: Festival of Indian Dance
SECTION I: Applicant Information

Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Company: _____________________________________________________________________
Address 1:_____________________________________________________________________
Address 2: ____________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________ State: _____________________ Zip: ______________________
Country: _____________________
Phone: _______________________________________ • Work • Cell • Home•
______________________________ Website: _________________________________
Company Biography (May be attached separately: ______________________________________
Artist Biography (May be attached separately): _________________________________________

SECTION II: Project Information
Title of Proposed Work: __________________________________________________________
Type of proposed work:    Solo    Duet    Group
If Group, how many dancers needed? Minimum_______Maximum_______
Type of music (Circle): Live music Recorded music
Short Description of Project (125 Words): ____________________________________________
Please list the venues where this work has been performed: ______________________________
Total length of the proposed work: __________________________________________________
Minimum length of an excerpt: _____________________________________________________
Please mention any special technical requirements for the proposed work: __________________
I certify that I hold all necessary rights for the submission of this entry.
Signature: Date:

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