Shabnam Virmani; India, 2008; 105 min. US Premiere.
In Hindi, Urdu and English, with English subtitles

The music of Kabir, the 15th century mystic Indian poet of north India sharply criticized sectarianism and defied the boundaries between Hinduism and Islam. With a Muslim name and upbringing, his poetry used Hindu concepts and Hindu names for God, especially Ram. Virmani’s film journeys in search of the “Ram” invoked in Kabir's poetry, reaching into the very heart of the divisive Hindu-Muslim politics of the sub-continent. She encounters singers and lay people in India and Pakistan, probing the forces of history and politics that have created disputatiously diverse Rams even as it has spawned many Kabirs.
Had Anhad/Bound Unbound: Journeys with Ram and Kabir:
Winner 1st Prize (shared), One Billion Eyes Documentary Film Festival, Chennai, India, Aug 2008
World Performing Arts Festival, Lahore, Pakistan, Nov, 2008
Director: Shabnam Virmani
Shabnam Virmani has directed several award-winning documentaries in close partnership with grassroots women's groups in India. In 1990, she co-founded the Drishti Media Collective in Ahmedabad, a group of media professionals working to strengthen struggles for human rights and gender justice. In 2002, she co-directed an award-winning community radio program with a rural women's group in Kutch, Gujarat. For the last 5 years she has been artist in residence (Srishti School of Art, Design and Technology, Bangalore), working on the Kabir project which brings together the experiences of a series of journeys in quest of Kabir in our contemporary worlds. It consists of a 4-part documentary film series, music videos, music CDs accompanied by books of the poetry in translation and a graphic novel.
Screening Venues:
Tribeca Cinemas 1. Thursday, November 6 at 6 PM.
Tickets for Tribeca Cinemas

Museum of Arts and Design. Friday, November 7 at 9 PM
Tickets for Musuem of Arts and Design

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