Directed by Sturla Gunnarsson.

Canada, 2008; 97 min. NY Premiere.

Synopsis: On June 22, 1985 a bomb ripped through Air India 182 bound for Delhi from Montreal. It goes down 200 miles off the Irish coast, killing all 329 people on board.  The bombing was the result of a Vancouver-based conspiracy whose members were under investigation in the months leading up to the explosion. With intimate, direct-to-camera testimony of investigators, wire-taps of conspirators, and encounters with families who lost their loved ones, Air India 182 reconstructs a docudrama of the most deadly act of air terrorism in history before 9/11.  Sturla Gunnarsson in person.

Preceded by: CHASM IN TIME. When three friends accidentally meet a super-market employee, he is not what he seems. Directed by Raghu Jeganathan. USA, 2008; 6 min. World Premiere

Screening Venue:
The Quad Cinema - 34 West 13th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues.
Thursday, November 12 at 12 PM
Purchase tickets at Quad Cinema or

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