Directed by M. R. Shahjahan.
India, 2008, 97 min. US Premiere.

Synopsis: Vikram, estranged and separated from his father, Ranvir, for the past thirty years, visits him in Ooty at the insistence of his New York bride Anna, but only for a day or two. The moment Anna reaches the small town; she becomes the medium of mysterious events, including visions of a murder. The hauntings become more frequent and intense. And even though Anna had never been to India, she seems very familiar with the surroundings and some people in Ooty. With Carlucci Weyant, Alma Saraci. Producer Vivek Singhania, Carlucci Weyant in person.

Preceded by: MEDICINE MAN.  A Brooklyn teenager journeys into the Adirondacks in search of a fabled, medicinal plant. Directed by Himkar Tak. USA, 2009; 19 min. World Premiere.

Screening Venue:
The Quad Cinema - 34 West 13th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues. Sunday, November 15 at 12:00 PM
Purchase tickets at Quad Cinema or MovieTickets.com

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