Directed by Lalit Vachani.
India, 2008, 84 min. In Hindi, Gujarati, and English. NY Premiere.

THE SALT STORIESSynopsis: Re-looking and re-living and re-connecting, Lalit Vachani hearkens back to Mahatma Gandhi's historic ‘Salt March’ in Gujarat, and re-traces the path he walked sixty years ago. In using the march as a metaphor, the filmmaker evaluates the impact and legacy of Gandhi, pointing out how the land of the apostle of non-violence has become the site of some of the most brutal communal pogroms in recent years. The film steps up its enquiry into how the idea of a self-sufficient economy has been over-ridden by the dream of a globalized economy. Director Lalit Vachani in person, in conversation with Mira Kamdar.

Preceded by: BOOND. The mundane routine at the village takes a decisive turn when nine-year-old Manka shoots the village headman’s brother-in-law, with his .303 rifle. Directed by Abhishek Pathak. India, 2009, 27 min. Afsar Zaidi in person.

Screening Venue:
The Quad Cinema - 34 West 13th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues.
Saturday, November 14 at 12:00 PM
Purchase tickets at Quad Cinema or

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