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Anna Sound Please
Anna Sound Please
Anna Sound Please
Anna Sound Please

Anna Sound Please

Directed by Tangella Madhavi

While exploring the world of slum cinema in Mumbai, the filmmaker shows her work to a group of telugu day-laborers who are die hard film fans.

Director Tangella Madhavi :
Tangella Madhavi is a graduate from Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute, Kolkata, India. She also holds a post graduate Diploma in Social Communications Media from Sophia Polytechnic, Mumbai and a Master Degree in English from Mumbai University. Tangella Madhavi was selected for Asian Film Academy’2006, an intensive three-week film workshop, conducted by Pusan International Film Festival and Korean Academy of Film Arts. She was the recipient of the SARAI Fellowship ’2005, New Delhi, India to research about the Video Theatres in Mumbai and their relationship with migration and impact of increasing multiplex culture in Mumbai. She was also teaching Mass Media for three years at  Mumbai. 


• Anna Sound Please !
Documentary/ 22mins/HDV/ 2010/ Produced by Majlis
The project is part of the Cinema City project by Majlis
The film explores the culture of slum cinema in Mumbai which screen telugu film for migrants who primarliy work as construction labourers.

• Dhaga Mil Gaya/ I Found A Thread
25 min/ Documentary/ HDV/ 2009/Produced by NHK, Japan/ Synopsis - The film presents the world of Malti, a Gandhian living in sewagram. The narrative takes interesting turns as the director’s lifestyle come face to face and stands in contrast to Malti’s. Overcoming doubts, the director goes ahead and indulges into another pair of expensive shoes but things will never be the same for her …
The film was awarded The Silver Conch at Mumbai International Film Festival, Mumbai, 2010

• Listen Little Man
25 min/ Documentary/ DV/ 2007/Produced by PSBT, New Delhi/ Synopsis - While few lost their life, others put up a fight with self and the world around. The film presents the varied experiences of students who have been ragged and their modes of protest.

• Penchalamma
26min/ Fiction /35mm/ 2009/SRFTI/ Synopsis - Set against the backdrop of an upcoming SEZ, the film unravels an old woman’s struggle of retain her plot of land.

• The Last Act
10min/ Fiction/Exhibition Format 35mm /2008/ SRFTI/ Synopsis - Maya recounts an incident from her childhood and finally in the 'last act' gathers courage to tell her father that he was wrong.
Screened at Tehran International Short Film Festival, Twlight Film Festival, New Delhi (Awarded Best Screenplay), IndieLisboa'08 (portugal) , Stuttgart's Bollywood and Beyond festival, Short Film Festival. Montecatini, Italy. CUT IN (TISS), Mumbai. Awarded the best screenplay and second best film.

• Zama Afaganistana
25min/Documentary/ DV/ 2007/SRFTI/ Synopsis - Four Afghani’s make a visit to Kolkata as part of an exchange program. The film journey’s with them as they struggle to put up a play. In the process, we get a glimpse into the world they come from, the insanity of violence and war and their undying love for Bollywood.

• Almost Alone
25min/ Documentary/ DV / SRFTI/ 2007/ Synopsis - A personal film about a mother’s visit to her daughter studying in a film school.  


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