Screening Schedule
Chaudhvin Ka Chand
M. Sadiq, 1960, India; 169m

In this warmly rendered twist on the love triangle, two men unwittingly fall in love with the same veiled woman. When her identity is momentarily revealed, the results are initially comic—until tragic consequences arise. A star vehicle featuring Waheeda Rehman, actor-director Guru Dutt, and Rehman, Chaudhvin joins Ravi’s hummable songs to a sympathetic portrayal of the social world of purdah practice. Part of the tradition of films known as Muslim Socials, which deploy spectacular mise-en-scene and romantic idioms to show a feudal aristocracy facing down the pressures of modernity.

Buy Tickets
Thu May 20: 6:30
Sat May 22: 12:00
Chaudhvin Ka Chand Chaudhvin Ka Chand Chaudhvin Ka Chand
Chaudhvin Ka Chand Chaudhvin Ka Chand Chaudhvin Ka Chand

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