The Indian Diaspora


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(1999, color, 92 minutes)

DATE: Sunday, November 4. TIME: 12:30 p.m.

SYNOPSIS: When married Santa discovers she can't have children, for tlie First lime in their lives Reena can do something licr perfect sister can't: get pregnant. Obsessed with helping her sister and winning lier mother's approval, Reena decides she'll liave the baby and then give it to her sister and brother-in-law. Now slie just needs to convince her commitment-phobic girlfriend to go along with the idea.

DIRECTOR: Before making her own films, Nisha Ganatra assisted Tom Arnold and Roseanne and was with Lucasfilms THX Department on films like "Schindlers List" and "When a Man Loves a Woman". Her short. Junky Punky Giriz won numerous awards including the PBS series "In The Life" Grand Prize for most Outstanding Short Film and NYU's Tisch Fellowship. While at NYU she studied under Spike Lee, Martin Scorcese and Barbara Kopple.

CAST: Jill Hennessey's film credits include "Dead Ringers", "I Sliot Andy Warhol", "Autumn in New York" and "The Paper". Slie also starred in NBC's award-winning series "Law and Order".
Madhur Jaffrey is an eminent actress on the international film scene. Her credits include, "Vanya on 42nd Street", "Six Degrees of Separation", "Heat and Dust' and "Cotton Mary".

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