
There are numerous ways in which you can position your company or brand to the cultural audiences. Our festival brochure is distributed at the Opening Night, Festival Concerts – daytime & evening, Closing Night Dinner and at the panel discussions and conferences. It is also sent to all media, artists/dancers/filmmakers, advertisers, sponsors and corporate contributors. Advertise in our Festival Brochure and reach at least 5000 relevant, pertinent, educated, well-traveled, arts aficionados.

Advertising Rate for a 2 inch advertisement on the home page of the specific festival: $1000

Advertising Rates in the Festival Catalogues:
Full page $1,000
Half page $ 500
Quarter page $250

To advertise in the festival brochure or to send Ad artwork as High-resolution PDFs to please email

All camera ready advertisements should be accompanied by a cheque and sent to the following address

303 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1007, New York, NY 10016.
Phone: 212 951 7395

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