

Screening of the film Anuranan (The Resonance) at the New York Arab & South Asian Film Festival

Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury

Kolkata-based Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury became involved in scripting and production design with theater group while in college. He then took to acting, appearing in an Indo-German production titled 'Plebians Rehearse for Uprising,' directed by Gunter Grass and Amitav Ray, and enrolling in acting workshops with Richard Schekner and Lisa Refkin. In 1987, Aniruddha turned to films, his real passion, beginning with directing/designing television software, and moving on to making television commercials for leading multinationals and domestic companies. He has been producing and directing telefilms, shorts, documentaries and serials for Doordarshan and satellite channels, including BBC, Jain TV, ETV and Zee Bangla. Anuranan is his first feature film.


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