
Press Release



Rajiv Joseph’s new play Bengal Tiger At The Baghdad Zoo - April 18, 2007
Rajiv Joseph
Rajiv JosephRajiv Joseph’s play All This Intimacy was produced this summer at New York’s Second Stage in their Summer Uptown Series.  His play Huck & Holden has had productions in both New York (Cherry Lane Theatre) and Los Angeles (the Black Dahlia Theater).  He is a member of the brand new theater group “The Fire Dept.” and was one of 10 writers in their production of Speak Easy at Joe’s Pub this past fall.  He was a playwright fellow at the Lark Play Development Center in 2006 where, through that fellowship, he traveled to Mexico City where a translation of his play Bengal Tiger at the Baghdad Zoo was performed as part of the Centro Helenico Drama Week.  Rajiv was a 2004-2005 Dramatists Guild Fellow. He received his MFA in Playwriting from NYU's Tisch School of the Arts and also holds a B.A. in Creative Writing from Miami University.  He served in the Peace Corps from 1997-2000 in Senegal, West Africa.

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