Dharavi Slum for Sale Premiere / Jugaad Urbanism Exhibition Preview

Via AIA New York

When: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19
Where: SVA Silas Theatre 23rd Street, between Eighth and Ninth Avenues – New York
DharaviPlease join the Center for Architecture and the Consulate General of Switzerland, along with exhibition partners: the Indo-American Arts Council, The New School and the Society of Indo-American Engineers and Architects for a preview of the exhibition Jugaad Urbanism: Resourceful Strategies for Indian Cities (February 10 – May 14, 2011) and premiere of the film Dharavi, Slum for Sale, by Lutz Konermann.

Proceeds from this event will support the upcoming Jugaad Urbanism exhibition.

Program: 7:00-8:45pm

Welcome: Ms Sabine Ulmann Shaban, Deputy Consul General of Switzerland
Introduction: Margaret Castillo, 2011 AIA New York Chapter President
Curator’s preview of Jugaad Urbanism: Kanu Agrawal

Introduction – Dharavi, Slum for Sale:
Aroon Shivdasani, Executive Director, Indo-American Arts Council

Screening of Dharavi, Slum for Sale (80 min.)

Film maker’s remarks and Q & A: Lutz Konermann
Reception: 8:45 – 9:30pm

Tickets available online at Limited seats. Tickets and Donations are 100% tax deductable. No refunds.

- Individual – $50 ($75 at the door)
- Corporate Friend – $1000 (10 tickets and recognition as supporter of the exhibition at the Friend level)
- Donation (will not be attending)
With generous support from the Consulate General of Switzerland in New York
Special thanks to Umberto Dindo, AIA, Secretary, AIA New York Chapter

Jugaad Urbanism: resourceful strategies for Indian cities
Set in the radically uneven urban landscapes of Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Delhi, and Mumbai, India, Jugaad Urbanism explores how the energy of citizens “making-do” is translated by designers, architects, NGOs, and governmental entities into efficient and inventive strategies for sustainable urban growth. From slum resettlement projects such as the reconfigured plot by Cybermohalla in Delhi to infrastructure projects like the newly implemented skywalks of Mumbai — the exhibition (February 10 – May 14, 2011) highlights how “jugaad” interventions (a Hindi term that describes an innovative, resourceful approach) are challenging traditional spatial hierarchies and mechanistic planning principles.

Dharavi, Slum for Sale documents the complexities of recent development strategies for the Dharavi slum outside of Mumbai. For further information:

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