
Press Release



The Indo American Ar ts Council in conjunction with Gallery ArtsIndia presents:
Valerie Smith,Senior Curator, Director of Exhibitions : From 1981-89, Ms. Smith served as curator for the ground-breaking alternative gallery, Artists Space in New York City. From 1991-93, she was the Director of Sonsbeek 93 in Arnhem, Holland, an international triennial exhibition of 103 site-specific installations by such artists as Miroslaw Balka (Poland), Juan Munoz (Spain), Mike Kelley and Ann Hamilton (U.S.A.). She has been Senior Curator for the Queens Museum since 1999 where she won an award for the exhibition Joan Jonas, Five Works (2004) from the International Association of Art Critics. She holds a B.A. degree from Barnard College and a M.A. from the Graduate Center of CUNY, in Art History.

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