Suzanne Therese
Suzanne Therese lived in Los Angeles for a number of years, showing at the Los Angeles County Museum, the Brea Art Museum, Miller Fine Arts, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, and the American Gallery.  Her works have been collected by such filmmakers as Wim Wenders and James Cameron and have been seen in such films as "Being John Malkovich," "Spiderman," and "I Am Sam."  Her paintings have also appeared at the Berkshire Museum in Massachusetts.  She now lives in New York City.
Selected Exhibitions:
2003 "Suzanne Unrein: New Drawings", The Brea Art Museum, Brea, California
1999 "LACE Annuale", Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles California
1997 Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Gallery, Los Angeles, California
1997 Miller Fine Arts, Los Angeles, California
1996 "1996 Painting and Sculpture", Berkshire Museum, Pittsfield, Massachusetts
1995 American Gallery, Los Angeles, California
Selected Collections:
James Cameron
Hampton Fancher
Renny Harlin
Kevin Huvane
Susan and Don Meredith
Jason Patric
Christina and William Stockton
Wim Wenders
William Wisher
Christine and Troy Word
Work in Films:

"Being John Malkovich"
"I Am Sam"
"Three Days of Rain"
"15 Minutes"