Little Ustaads - an Indian Classical Music
Class for Children 0-5 |
Free Trial Class
Saturday, September 12th at 4:30 PM
Chhandayan Center
4 West, 43rd Street, Room # 618 (Between 5th and 6th Ave.)
RSVP - Kavita Bafana 773-744-1662 or littleustaads@tacindia.net
Beat a Tabla! Strum a Sitar! Groove to Teen Taal and Rock to a Raga!
For the first time in the US, we present Little Ustaads, an Indian Classical Music class for children between the ages of 0-5. Already a success in Mumbai, the program introduces your little ones to the fundamentals of Indian Classical Music - sargams, alankars, ragas and taal. The curriculum, music and presentation is uniquely created for this program and taught by trained Classical teachers. Through playful puppets, vibrant visuals and rhythmic sounds, children will be exposed to sounds/music/language and visuals that they never would otherwise experience. Little Ustaads is a packed 45 min session of Indian culture, values, Hindi language, arts and FUN! Classes running in NYC and NJ. Please call Kavita Bafana for Fall Schedule (773-744-1662).
The Indo-American Arts Council is a 501 ©3 not-for-profit arts organization passionately dedicated to promoting, showcasing and building an awareness of artists of Indian origin in the performing arts, visual arts, literary arts and folk arts. For information please visit