
Vivek Rudrapatna
Vivek RudrapatnaVivek Rudrapatna has been a vital member of the local arts community for over 10 years. He discovered Carnatic Music under an exceptional local teacher in New Jersey, Mysore Sateesh. Since then, he has studied under many eminent masters, including Sri Anantha Krishnan, the Mysore Brothers, and Dr. L. Subramaniam. He has performed as both a soloist and accompanist for regional and international artists in venues including the New Jersey Performing Arts Center, The Egg in Albany, NY, and Harvard University's Sanders Theatre. Vivek has also ventured into fusion music with his popular college group "Saptaswara", which melded Gypsy, Bluegrass, and Indian classical styles. Outside of music, he is currently pursuing his MD/PhD at The Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York.

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