August 25, 2010 by E. NINA ROTHE
Hello friends of The Ajnabee, long time no hear, since my tirade against Sex and the City 2! And please don’t get me started on Eat, Pray Love!!! Anyway, I write with much more pleasant tidings. For a while now I have been working on a one-woman piece called Exotic Observations. It details with great humor my life as an Indian actress (and human!) here in NYC for the past 20 years. It is essentially a stand-up piece and hopefully funny. My original thought was to have Nina publish it.
Me - “Nina, this could be the next piece for my column.”
Nina - “No.”
Me - “No?” (Oh no, Nina hates me already!!!)
So after a quick, swift kick in the pants from our girl Rothe I embarked on this journey. Aroon Shivdasani at the Indo-American Arts Council immediately gave me a slot. She had, after all premiered Little Zizou at her festival in 2008. Her support remains invaluable to all us South Asian artists. Thank you Aroon! And btw please try and catch zizou on dvd. You will not be disappointed. Jitin Hingorani, the IAAC’s fabulous PR came over and laughed at all the right moments, friend Ken Hypes agreed to videotape it for free, the young ones at the Guild Gallery were so sweet, and of course so many friends and colleagues came out on August 12th at the Guild Gallery at 7.30 to hear me croak on about my life!!! I had a blast performing it.
Friends, my great wish would be to perform it some more at various venues. So at the risk of being that artist who promotes herself (I hate those people!) I ask you to let me know if there are any opportunities for performinging this. I would appreciate it so much. In the mean time, a little teaser for you all is attached. Would love to hear from you!