Soul Call:
Soul call is conceptualized, composed and voiced by Chandrika Krishnamurthy Tandon, Soul Call consists of 9 tracks of praise. Like her other CD's, Soul Call is related to the healing mantra of Om Namo Narayanaya which is considered to be one of the most potent protections for the physical body. Soul Call was officially released on Tuesday, October 6 by the Indo-American Arts Council in New York city.
For more info on Soul Call go to or email
Chandrika Tandon:

Chandrika Krishnamurthy Tandon is Chairman of Tandon Capital Associates, Inc., a financial advisory firm founded in 1992. During her career, she has worked with Boards, Chief Executives and Senior Management teams of more than 40 financial institutions all over the world and has spearheaded projects that involved major financial and operational restructuring, global and domestic strategy, organizational redesign, core process/performance improvement and broad-based culture change. Prior to this, she spent 11 years at McKinsey and Company, five of them as partner.
Ms. Tandon, a Trustee of New York University, serves on the Board of Overseers at the NYU Stern School of Business, where she is also Executive-in-Residence; the Dean's Council at NYU Wagner School of Public Service and the President's Council on International Activities
at Yale University. Through these involvements, she has actively worked on domestic and global strategy, formulated new initiatives and conducted guest lectures on leadership, restructuring and transformation. In 2009, Ms. Tandon received the Walter Nichols medal
for representing the highest ideals of business, service and integrity from NYU Stern - whose prior recipients include Rockefeller, Greenspan and Welch. In 2010, Ms. Tandon was inducted into The Sir Harold Acton Society of New York University in recognition of her efforts on behalf
of higher education.
Ms. Tandon is a trustee and board member of the American India Foundation, an advisory board member of Pratham USA and the Indo- American Arts Council, and a founding board member of the Hindu Community Outreach Foundation. She chairs the Krishnamurthy Tandon
Foundation which supports nonprofit organizations that focus on sustainable livelihoods, women's economic power, education, the arts and spirituality.
Ms. Tandon is also a trained Indian classical singer. She has released two albums, the latest being Soul Call, a 2011 Grammy nominated album, which is also a not for profit initiative where 100 pct of the proceeds will benefit organizations in the fields of community building, arts and spirituality.
Ms. Tandon lives in New York City with her husband Ranjan, founder and President of an investment firm, and their daughter Lita, a recent graduate of Yale University.