Site of Departure Source of Arrival, Art of the south Asian Diaspora,
Sonia Chaudhary
Sonia Chaudhary Sonia Chaudhary

Artist Statement

"I AM SIN" a book of body images exposing the secrets and sexual abuse stories of Muslim women

The study of religion and tradition has always fascinated me, as I am the product of a hybrid culture. Constantly questioning religion and culture has either made me an outcast to my own people or it has made those around me question who they are as well. I have always wondered what the true meaning of "sin" is and what relationship it has to cultural ornamentation.

My project is composed by individual discussions with 5 Muslim women ranging from age 18 - 60. Ironically, all five women have experienced sexual abuse and / or harassment in the course of their lives. The purpose of the interviews was not only for personal or was also for the exposure of information that is considered inaccessible due to religious restriction or social taboo.

I offered myself to the women as a confidant and a means of them to release their feelings to people who may misjudge them. With the use of traditional henna and machine stitching, I have combined patterns and statements from each woman's interview on parts of my body. Each story is begun with one of the 99 names of Allah, that best helps to describe the story.

"Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women), so good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever high, exalted, great." - the Holy Quran, Chapter of Nisaa' (Women), part 5, paragraph 34.


Sonia Chaudhary is a recent graduate of the University of Connecticut, with a BFA in Communication
Design. After graduation she worked for a number of Connecticut’s outstanding firms to further her passion in
book design, while she began to showcase her work in various art communities / galleries. She has received
international recognition for her piece titled, “I Am Sin,” and her recent work includes the 2009 book series for
the Girl Scouts of America. Sonia is currently focused on her photography and personal book projects, to show
in the near future.


2003 - 2007 University of Connecticut. BFA in Communication Design.
2004 Parson’s School of Design. Fashion marketing, illustration, and design studies.


Print design with specialty in book binding & design, animation, illustration, photography.

WorK Experience

Taylor Design. Freelance graphic designer
Designed various print and web materials following corporate identity standards.

Alexander Isley Inc. Freelance graphic designer
Tasks included book series design and illustration, website styling, corporate identity,
promotional print projects, industrial exhibit design and school identity concepts.

York & Chapel Design. Graphic designer and photographer
Created and maintained websites, designed conceptual web-based projects,
worked on corporate identity and promotional design, photographed various products.

Taylor Design. Freelance graphic designer
Designed various print and web materials based on preexisting identity standards.

Thomas J. Dodd Research Center. University internship
Handled historical glass negatives to scan, retouch and enhance for digital archive.

Uconn Design Center. Advanced student internship
Worked on projects for clients on and off campus. Selected projects were distributed
and displayed nation-wide.

Connecticut Design Center. Internship
Designed promos and employee materials, painted murals, assisted interior designers.

Roth Fabric House & Weathervane Hill Design. Summer and winter internship
Coordinated and digitally designed story boards of fabric, cut and sampled materials. Freelance writer
Wrote about international fashion and prominent figures in the industry. Freelance writer and photographer
Attended red carpet events for coverage, wrote about cultural fashion.

Sonia C LLC ( Creative founder
Responsible for creating custom apparel with South Asian influence, fashion styling, developing event style concepts and executing plans, directing various photo/art projects, donating to charitable organizations involved with South Asian visual/performing arts.

Volunteering and Community Involvement

2009 Donated scholarship money to Bhangra Blowout, national Punjabi dance competition.
2008 Hosted book-binding workshops at Brien McMahon High School for advanced students
2005 - 2006 President of the Pakistani Community at Uconn. Raised $5000 for earthquake victims.
Founder of Husky Bhangra. Punjabi dance team at Uconn, nationally competitive.

Honors and Recognition

2008 Senior thesis book shown at AIR Gallery in NYC on two occasions.
Participated in: Output Foundation Design Competition and received acknowledgment.
Honorable Acknowledgment from 3x3 Magazine.
2007 Dean’s Purchase Award. First place for senior thesis project at Uconn BFA show.|
2006 BFA Annual Scholarship Show. Typography and design book chosen for exhibition.
2005 Asian American Studies Institute. Sole student member of advisory board and publications.
2003 Fairfield County Community Art and Academic Scholarship. Funding for college.

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