
The Indo-American Arts Council

Yasmeen Premji's
"Days of Gold & Sepia" book launch

June 25, 2014, 7-9 p.m.
Aicon Gallery, 35 Great Jones street, New York, NY 10012

Cost of book: $15
Please rsvp: events.iaac@gmail.com

Girish Karnad:
“….. A powerful narrative developed against the backdrop of a turbulent century, an epic cast of characters that involves the readers in their destinies by their authenticity and vitality, a rare sensitivity to the nuances of human passion and suffering…Such control of the craft of story-telling is astonishing in a fiction debut.”
ASIAN AGE, 29/8/2012 - Nawaid Anjum
“… The richness and lucidity of the language is in absolute harmony with her vibrant characters, bristling with life. Classical story telling at its best, Days of Gold & Sepia is dazzling in its scope, ambitious in its conception and delightful and heartwarming in its execution.”

“It’s a story of vaulting ambition in the face of immeasurable adversity and the pangs of early adolescent love that’s doomed but remains lodged in the lovers’ hearts forever, like a lifelong ache.”
“…. She weaves the glittering motes and dusty shadows that inhabit the mansions of  her memory into a rich tapestry…. Woven with many motifs“

“.. in reminding us of our common humanity, Yasmeen Premji has given us a moment of reprieve to savour  and  to remember.”

“… there is something of  the Galsworthian  ideal of a beautiful woman who inspires a man to dream beyond his reach.”
“The book tugs at the hearts rings from the onset. Gripping & evocative… the narrative is sensitively constructed with strong visual imagery …… the plot instantly captivating…Making for a compelling read.”
SOCIETY – Anupam Bijur
“ A mesmerizing raconteur ”  (title of review)
-  sweeping in scope  - -
…there’s a compassionate tone you can’t miss, a certain kindness, a generosity of spirit ….
INDIA TODAY - Kaveri Bamzai
“The first instinct after reading the absorbing tale of  Lalljee Lakha is to google the man and the remains of the empire he left behind….. it’s almost with a shock one  realizes it was just a tale.   A truly fascinating tale.”

The Indo-American Arts Council is a 501 ©3 not-for-profit secular arts organization passionately dedicated to promoting, showcasing and building an awareness of artists of Indian origin in the performing arts, visual arts, literary arts and folk arts. For information please visit .
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