She is beautiful. Intelligent. AND available… but she only
dates smart guys. And Mike is CRAZY about her.
The only problem is that Mike is not smart… he's just not the
academic type.
So Mike sees no alternative left to him but to do what no student
at Ruxdale High has dared do before. He is going to ask his economics
teacher to MAKE him smart…. his obnoxious, despicable, and self-centered
economics teacher, Miss Helen Goldwyn.
Ordinarily Miss Goldwyn would not only laugh at Mike's request
but she would probably throw something in his direction as well.
But today she has a major problem of her own. And she is about
to propose a deal to him, which he just won't be able to refuse.
With completely opposite personalities this student and teacher
are going to take each other beyond their physical and emotional
limits. And along the way they are going to annoy the hell out
of a very hungry cop. 'Genius' tells the story of a high school
boy with a learning disability and how his teacher tries to make
him confront this condition.
USA 2003 (80 mins)
Cast: Kelly Walters, Diogerlin Linares
Date: Sunday, November 9th, 12:00
Location: Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue (@ 2nd Street)
New York City, NY |