Kickoff - Aasif Mandvi
Opening Night - Sir Salman Rushdie
Closing Night - Ayad Akhtar
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Music by Zoya
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Literary Pub Crawl
Press Release
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Reviews - Thursday, November 6, 2014

Zoya opens the first Indo-American Arts Council Literary Festival

By.Jed Gottlieb
Bands love to mention who they shared a stage with: maybe they opened for the Gin Blossoms or played a festival with Lenny Kravitz.

Zoya has most bands beat.

Indo-American Arts Council’s executive director Aroon Shivdasani handpicked the Boston-based Berklee grad to perform at the first IAAC Literary Festival with Salman Rushdie.

Tomorrow at the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian in New York City, Zoya will help open the festival with her hypnotic folk -- I’m using folk in the broadest sense, Zoya’s music mixes folk, poetry, exotic percussion and Indian melodies.

The 21-year-old first EP as an adult (she did some pop stuff as a teen), “Letters to Toska,” featured an ecelctic mix of sounds -- classmates tracked mandolin, flute, bansuri and more.

The next one will be a creative jump forward. Due Nov. 25, "Lasya" will be a "visual EP" featuring videos of three local female dancers who have choreographed their own interpretations of the lyrics and music.

Can't make it to NYC tomorrow? Zoya has plenty of other gigs coming:
11.6 ARCK Gala at the Museum of Fine Arts // Boston
11.7 Indo-American Arts Council Literary Festival at the Smithsonian Museum // New York City
11.8 Liberty Hotel Gala for Lyme Disease Fundraiser // Boston
11.9 PIANOS w/ Arielle Vakni // New York City
11.13 MIT Fall Music Series // Boston
11.14 Gallery 263 w/ Evelyn Horan and Omnia Hegazy // Boston
12.8 Middle East Upstairs (Last Boston Full Band Show!)
12.10 The Haven JP with Marny Proudfit & Alec Gaston
12.11 Skinny Pancake in Burlington, VT with Marny Proudfit & Alec Gaston
Url: indo_american_arts_council_literary
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