Loomba Foundation Gala
Time Warner Bldg., NYC
Loomba Foundation Gala

WHEN: Thursday, October 21 from 7:00pm - 10:00pm  (it will go later; open bar ends at 10pm)

IN SUPPORT OF: The many women in the world who lose their rights when they lose their husbands.

WHERE: Stone Rose Lounge, 10 Columbus Circle (4th Floor), Time Warner Center


Rated the swankiest lounge in New York City by Vogue Magazine, Stone Rose emanates style and sophistication; unequivocally the one of the swankiest spots on the perimeter of Central Park.

Even better than the venue, is the menu  -- pear and fontina tartlettes with truffle oil, flat breads with roasted tomatoes and chevre, yellowfin tuna tartar, honey glazed shrimp with toasted sesame, pulled bbq chicken on fresh baked butter milk biscuits, and swedish meatballs!

...and the host of the open bar!! -- Double Cross Vodka!

Double Cross Luxury Vodka is made from spring water from the foothills of the Vysoke Tatry montains drawn from aquifiers located 200 feet below ground level.  A 100% organic winter wheat is used as the raw material. The vodka is distilled 7 times and filtered 7 times through diamond dust. The final product beautiflly crisp with hints of white pepper and lemon zest.

It is was rated a 95/Superb by Wine Enthusiast and and won two gold medals at the World Spirits Competition.

Open bar will also have wine & beer.

The Loomba Foundation protects the fundamental freedoms and human rights of widows and their children around the world by raising awareness of the gross injustices women face when losing a husband, and removing the stigma associated with widowhood.

Conflict, ethnic cleansing and AIDS are increasing the number of widows by the day and creating younger widows. In countries where disease or conflict are most rife, half of all women can be impoverished widows.

Given the scale and nature of this injustice, it's disturbing that this problem has remained largely invisible.

The Loomba Foundation works together with UN bodies, government officials, leaders and advocates to fight for the over 245 million widows worldwide who suffer dreadful prejudice and discrimination, by promoting gender sensitive reform of national laws and policies, eradicating anti-widow superstitions, traditions, and social
practices, promoting gender equality and women's empowerment, implementing poverty-reduction strategies, and promoting opportunities for the education of widows and their children.

We will be displaying work from the series "Widow City" by International Documentary Photographer Radhika Chalasani.

Get ready for a legendary evening!!!
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