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Special Events
Friday, March 16 Conversation with Cast & Creative team
Sponsored by SALGA, Q-Wave, ALP, and FIERCE, commentator TBA; reception afterwards.

Tuesday, March 20 Talk back
Partition Archive
The 1947 Partition Archive is a citizen-powered non-profit organization dedicated to documenting, preserving and sharing eye witness accounts from all ethnic, religious and economic communities affected by the Partition of British India in 1947. We provide a platform for our fellow citizens to collect, archive and display oral histories that document not only Partition, but pre-Partition life and culture as well as post-Partition migrations and life changes. We are dedicated to bringing knowledge of Partition into widespread public consciousness through creative and scholarly expression. Our collected works are being made available in limited capacity via an online Story Map. The full works will soon be made available for educational purposes to academic researchers, students, and the public.

• Brown Star Revolution
Brownstar bursts forth from the pens of poet-performers Pushkar “North Star” Sharma and Sathya “South Star” Sridharan, who joined together in 2007. The duo premiered their stage show Faster than the Speed of White at the New York City International Fringe Theatre Festival in August 2010. Brownstar annually produces Unification, a joint celebration of the Indian and Pakistani Independence Days, in New York City. In 2010 the show sold out Joe's Pub and featured performances by The Kominas, Hari Kondabolu, Ajay Naidu, and Fair & Kind. Brownstar has performed at venues across the country including Da Poetry Lounge (LA), Literary Death Match (SF), The Bowery Poetry Club (NYC), and Theatre Off Jackson (Seattle). They have worked with the likes of David Fincher and Anupam Kher; shared the stage with Def Poets Kelly Tsai, Beau Sia, and Shihan, and emcees Magnetic North, Taiyo Na, and iLL-Literacy.;

Thursday, March 22 Conversation with Cast & Creative team
Sponsored by Taxi Workers Alliance and other labor organizations

Saturday, March 24 Conversation with Cast & Creative team
Special student night, moderated by high school teacher?

Tuesday March 27 Talk back
(tentative, contingent on individual scheduling)

Yoruba Richen is a Brooklyn based documentary filmmaker who has directed and produced films in the U.S and abroad including Africa, South America and South East Asia. Her award– winning documentary, Promised Land received a Diverse Voices Co-Production fund award from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and premiered on the PBS program POV in July 2010. The film has screened at festivals around the world and won the Fledgling Fund Award for Social Issue Documentary.

Yoruba was the co-producer of Take it From Me, a documentary exploring the effects of welfare reform on New York City women, which was broadcast on POV in 2001. She was also an associate producer for the investigative unit of ABC News, as well as a producer for the independent radio and television news program “Democracy Now.” Yoruba is the recipient of numerous grants, including a Fulbright Award, an International Reporting Project (IRP) grant as well as funding from Chicken & Egg pictures and the Jerome Foundation. Her latest film, The New Black was granted ITVS co-production funds and will be released in 2013. Yoruba is also an assistant professor at CUNY's Graduate School of Journalism.;

Jasbir Puar is associate professor of women's and gender studies at Rutgers University. Her research interests include gender, sexuality, globalization; postcolonial and diaspora studies; South Asian cultural studies; and theories of assemblage and affect. She is the author of Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times, which won the 2007 Cultural Studies Book Award from the association for Asian American studies. Terrorist Assemblages describes connections between contemporary “gay rights” discourse, the integration of gays into consumerism, the ascendance of "whiteness", and Western imperialism and the war on terrorism. Puar argues that traditional heteronormative ideologies now find accompaniment from “homonormative” ideologies replicating the same hierarchical ideals concerning maintenance of dominance in terms related to race, class, gender, and nation-state. Writings by Puar have also appeared in The Guardian. In a July 2010 column titled “Israel's gay propaganda war,” Puar argues that Israel makes use of a public relations strategy described as
“pinkwashing,” equating Israel's internal policies toward gays with modernity, progressive democracy, and tolerance, as an attempt to divert due attention from campaigns of aggression against Palestinians.

Christina B. Hanhardt is an Assistant Professor in the Department, a core faculty member of the LGBT Studies Program, and an affiliate of the Department of Women’s Studies and the Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity. Her research and teaching interests include LGBT and queer studies; critical race theory; urban studies; social movements; the politics of crime and punishment; cultural geography; film, video, and television studies; and interdisciplinary research methods. She is currently working on a book manuscript about the historical and contemporary relationship between LGBT activism against violence and the race- and class-stratified city, entitled Safe Space: The Sexual and City Politics of Violence, 1965 - 2005. More broadly, it examines the transformation of LGBT politics alongside the popular uptake of neoliberal ideologies since the 1970s in U.S. cities.

• Andrea Ritchie is a Black progressive lesbian feminist of African Caribbean descent who has worked in the women's movement in the U.S. and Canada over the past 15 years as an advocate and researcher. She is currently a member of the National Collective of INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, and served as one of the National Coordinators of the Color of Violence III and as a member of the editorial collective for Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology. Her research and organizing focuses on police brutality and misconduct as
experienced by women and LGBT people of color. Co-author of Queer (in)Justice, she was also a researcher and co-author for Caught in the Net, a report on women and the “war on drugs” published by the ACLU, the Brennan Center for Justice, and Break the Chains, Education Not Deportation: Impacts of New York City School Safety Policies on Immigrant Youth published by Desis Rising Up and Moving (DRUM), In the Shadows of the War on Terror: Persistent Police Brutality and Abuse in the United States a “shadow report” submitted on behalf of over 100 national and local organizations and individuals to the United Nations Committee Against Torture and the United Nations Human Rights Committee, and Behind the Kitchen Door: Pervasive Inequality in New York's Thriving Restaurant Industry published by the Restaurant Opportunities Center of New York.

Yul-san Liem is a social justice activist and artist whose work addresses issues of war, trauma and resistance. She is a long-time member and leader of Nodutdol for Korean Community Development (NDD), a Queens-based organization dedicated to achieving peace in Korea and empowering the Korean American community. Currently, she is NDD's representative to the city-wide police accountability Coalition, Peoples’ Justice and a Coordinator for its Korea Exposure and Education Program.

In 2003, Yul-san began work on Still Present Pasts: Korean Americans and the "Forgotten War,” a multi-media exhibit that embodies stories of survivors of the Korean War and the legacies it has left for the Korean American community. A collaboration between artists, activists, and scholars, Still Present Pasts uses oral history, art, archival photography and text to create space for collective memory, healing, and action. The exhibit has been on national and international tour for the past nine years. Yul-san has developed a deep appreciation for the power of
community-inspired, collective visioning and a dedication to developing innovative methods of artistic practice for social change. She examines historical and contemporary examples of progressive art movements and social change theory and practice in order to ground her next steps as an artist and activist and hopes to develop a unique model of collaboration between community members, artists, scholars, and activists and contribute to re-envisioning the role of art in creating social change.

Thursday, March 29 Conversation with Cast & Creative team
Sponsored by the Indo-American Arts Council; reception afterwards.

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