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RAJIKA PURI in DEVI-MALIKA  January 17-20, 2008
January 17-20, 2008
EXCERPTS FROM THE PRESS:  Rajika Puri as dancing Narrator
“. . . the Narrator, resplendently sung, danced, and articulated by the bewitching Rajika Puri, is an Indian woman’s incarnation of Joel Grey’s MC in Cabaret, decked in tails, stark makeup and gorgeous long hair;”
                                                                                                                                                            The Village Voice,  NY
“I saw Rajika Puri, wearing hair to the waist and tails, command the stage with the sultry presence of Marlene Dietrich and the agile versatility of Charlie Chaplin. It this musical play lasts long enough for people to see it, I fully expect her to reach star status in the not-too-distant future.”                                                                                                                                                                           Newsday, NY
“The star of the evening was undoubtedly Rajika Puri, who brought in a completely new angle and freshness to the theatre-acting scene in Madras.  She held the narrator’s role with a concentrated and focussed energy.  One found the movement vocabulary of Bharatnatyam itself enormously expanded with a pounding earthiness seeping here and there, amidst the softness, and tenderness of the mood.”                                                                                                                                                                                 Aside Magazine,Chennai, India

“The (American Music Theater) Festival . . . wisely hired Rajika Puri, the lady who makes this production magical.  She is the narrator, credited with the Indian choreography. . .”
                                                                                                                                                 The Wall Street Journal, NY


“But the unfolding stage pictures are a constant delight. Rajika Puri, who is both the narrator and the menacing goddess Kali, has an admirable blend of naivete and forcefulness.
                                                                                                                                                             New York Daily News


“Rajika Puri is a dancer after my own heart, because she is not satisfied with excellence only in classical dance, but innovates on classical and modern themes, arousing the audience to understand what the classical style of dance can play in interpreting modern thought.”
                                                                                                                     The Afternoon Despatch & Courier, Mumbai


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