
Salman Rushdie  

Book Launch

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An evening with Salman Rushdie: launch and celebration of his new novel “Shalimar the Clown”


Salman Rushdie at the lauchRushdie in New York

Hina Oomer Ahmed reports on the NY launch of his book

New York City celebrated the launch of well-known novelist Salman Rushdie's latest novel Shalimar the Clown. An exclusive party was thrown in Rushdie's honour by Aroon Shivdasani, Executive Director of the Indo-American Arts Council and held at the Asia Society on Park Avenue.

From the author of Midnight's Children and the infamous Satanic Verses comes the latest and much awaited Shalimar the Clown - a fascinating tale of love and revenge, and the ancient and modern conflicts from which they spring. The story spans the globe, encapsulating the multiple political and social issues of our time.

Much of the novel is based in Kashmir and so the theme for the evening was but obvious.  Casual yet festive, the décor was a vibrant blue with peacock feathers in long stemmed vases adorning the room. Popular tabla artist and composer Suphala rendered a soulful version of Led Zeppelin's Kashmir - a suitable prelude to Rushdie's book reading. The excerpts he read from the novel were brief but did demonstrate Rushdie's classic flair for drama, his characteristic attention to detail and vivid descriptions. The reading turned out to be a real tease for Rushdie lovers who undoubtedly wanted to hear more. Accompanied by his beautiful wife, Padmalaxmi, the novelist mingled with friends and autographed several of the books much to the delight of the guests. Rushdie is one of the most famous literary figures of today and some of New York City's eminent were present to toast his success, including renowned novelist Anita Desai, designer Anand Jon as well as President of the Asia Society, Vishaka Desai. 

 Now, can he do us a Mumbai launch?


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