
The Legacy of Legends: A Sitar Concert by Shujaat Khan
Tabla: Samir Chatterjee
Opening Act: Vocal Recital by Purvi Parikh

A Sitar Concert by Shujaat Khan

Shujaat Husain Khan is perhaps the greatest North Indian musician of his generation, and the son and disciple of the legendary sitarist Ustad Vilayat Khan. His musical pedigree continues back through his grandfather, Ustad Inayat Khan; his great-grandfather, Ustad Imdad Khan; and his great-great-grandfather, Ustad Sahebdad Khan - each one a legend of his generation. Performing with Khan will be Samir Chaterjee on tabla. Opening act: There will be a vocal recital by the brilliant vocalist Purvi Parikh of the Kirana Gharana, the daughter of the celebrated sitarist Arvind Parikh, himself a disciple of Ustad Vilayat Khan, and the distinguished Kirana vocalist, Kishori Parikh.

Co-sponsored by Indo-American Arts Council

Ticket Pricing:
$35: General
$20: IAAC members and Columbia Faculty and Staff*
$15: Columbia Students*
*ID required for discount ticket.  One discount ticket per ID.

Click here to purchase online tickets.

Tickets can also be purchased at the Miller Theatre Box Office or by calling 212.854.7799.

The Indo-American Arts Council is a 501 ©3 not-for-profit secular arts organization passionately dedicated to promoting, showcasing and building an awareness of artists of Indian origin in the performing arts, visual arts, literary arts and folk arts. For information please visit

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