Through the Eyes of Others: Photographs of India
Joshua Kristal
Joshua Kristal Joshua Kristal

Joshua Kristal graduated from a 3 year photography program in Lansing, Michigan in 1994 and besides the occasional breaks to avoid burnout, has been photographing ever since. Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan he now resides in New York City where he works as a freelance photographer.

He recently worked for the United Nations doing serving as one of the official General Assembly Staff Photographers. He has been published in a number of magazines including Time, New York Times, Outside, Automobile, Vice, Story and Rolling Stone. He has exhibited his work in New York City, Detroit, Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Royal Oak and Lansing, Michigan. He was proud to win "Best of Show" honors at the Scarab Club of Detroit Photographic show of 2003.

Joshua is most skilled and interested in photographing in the documentary/ editorial genre but is qualified to work in almost any photographic vein. Photographing and traveling in a method, which combines a passion for sociologist observation with an artistic bent, he has taking multiple journeys in Asia mostly focusing his time off the beaten path on lengthy trips through Mongolia and India. While in India, he volunteered for the Non-Profit organization Economic Rural Development Society (ERDS) documenting the work this organization provides to the needy communities of northern West Bengal, India.

Joshua feels strongly in the power of the still image to evoke feelings, further understanding among citizens of the world and to be used in a way that can contribute to the betterment of the environment, society and the world in general.

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