Through the Eyes of Others: Photographs of India
Micheal Toolan
Micheal Toolan

Artists Statement:
The act of photographing is self-revelatory. I enjoy it and can become lost in the process so that I forget about myself. If watched in that state it is as if I'm being seen while lost in thought, or asleep - guileless and exposed. The images themselves are a window into my mind. They are a record of my attention - what draws and holds it. They reveal reverence, hesitance, amusement, respect, admiration, flirtation - many things. They are a story about myself. I feel that people in general, and perhaps artists more than most, are inclined to mythologize their own inner narratives, and my photographs are a document and projection of mine, a rendering of my personal mythology.

Hailing from the great white Canadian north, Michael has lived in New York City since 2002. He is a commercial and documentary photographer.

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