Through the Eyes of Others: Photographs of India

Sasha Bezzubov and Jessica Sucher
Sasha Bezzubov

Jessica Sucher

Sasha Bezzubov and Jessica Sucher have been collaborating since 2002. Their work merges shared interests in the politics of tourism and pilgrimage. In 2006, they received a Fulbright Scholarship to India for their project The Searchers, which builds on their previous work, The Gringo Project (Bezzubov, 1997-2003) and Expats and Natives (Bezzubov and Sucher, 2002-2005). Their work has been exhibited in New York City, Los Angeles, Miami and The Netherlands.

A monograph of Bezzubov's most recent solo project, Wildfire, is forthcoming from Nazraeli Press in 2008. His work is in the collection of Metropolitan Museum of Art and numerous private collections, and has been widely exhibited and published. Bezzubov received his MFA from the Yale University School of Art. In addition to photography, Sucher works as a curator and producer of artists' projects. She currently works at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City. She received degrees from Brown University and New York University.

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