Through the Eyes of Others: Photographs of India

Steven Richter
Steven Richter Steven Richter,

Artist's Statement
For the past two decades a good part of my time has been spent traveling abroad, photographing the street life of cities, villages and rural corners of the world. Often I am working on assignment from food and travel magazines with specific images to shoot.

But what has become an obsession, is aimlessly wandering, totally immersed in the rush of experience, the endless theatre, the quirkiness of life on the street. That's when I feel most alive.

Nothing quite prepared me for the astonishing images I would find in India, the intense religiosity of the people, the passion of its street merchants, the fascinating juxtaposition of old and new. Added to the vivid color and the diversity of architecture and monuments, India kept calling me back. In three extended visits, I feel I have done some of my most compelling work.

My images are the product of perseverance, intuition, and sheer luck. And every once and a while I'm rewarded by finding a moment of alchemy that I didn't know I was looking for.

The prints are digital, scanned from my beloved Kodachrome and printed on fine rag paper. The versatility of the ink jet process on this stock gives the work its richness and presence.

To see more of my work go to: then click on gallery, go to artists and click on my name.

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