Lletter from Mira
Press Release

Dear Friends,

Hello again! I hope this finds you very well. As we plan MAISHA Film Lab’s 2010 program, I’ve been preparing the release of my latest film, AMELIA. With this in mind, I have a special invitation that I hope will entice you…it brings together these two passions of mine!

We are planning a very special evening to celebrate the release of AMELIA in New York City on October 21st. Can you please Save The Date for this sneak preview benefit screening?

A Fox Searchlight film starring Hilary Swank and Richard Gere, AMELIA celebrates the legendary life of this courageous free spirit. The screening, being held at MoMA on October 21st at 7 o’clock, will be followed by an exclusive After-Party. The evening is being co-produced with the Indo-American Arts Council and all proceeds from the event will go to support our two organizations.

We need your support! As you may know, MAISHA is my most important project and, thus far, we have trained approximately 200 aspiring filmmakers on a continent with precious few opportunities and resources. This benefit will directly enable us to deliver on our promise for a 2010 lab.

Tickets go on sale September 29th and we will send an e-vite next week so you can reserve your seats. We want as many friends as possible to have the opportunity to attend so please do SAVE THE DATE.

I very much hope to see you so we can share the excitement around the release of AMELIA.

Warm wishes,

Mira Nair
420 W 25th street, apt 6H
New York, NY 10001
646-486-4386 (p)
646-486-4387 (f)

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