Lletter from Mira
Press Release
Mira Nair has done it again folks! She has just released her new movie Amelia
November 19, 2009 Written by : Laju Shah

ameliaMira Nair has done it again folks! She has just released her new movie Amelia about the life story of the very daring Amelia Earhart who made history as the first woman to fly across the Atlantic. With the actors Hillary Swank playing Amelia and Richard Gere playing the role of George Putnam, Amelia's publicist who later became her husband, this movie is both an action-packed story as well as a biography about Amelia's life and loves.

To launch the movie in New York City, Mira Nair along with Richard Gere were hosted by the Indo-American Arts Council and Maisha Film Lab at the Museum of Modern Art in a red carpet affair that led to the viewing of this movie for the public and an after party at the Murray Hill restaurant Pranna. Some of the other celebrities in attendance were Maulik Pancholy, Pooja Kumar and Salman Rushdie.

Amelia Earhart was a woman who gave many people hope and inspiration both in the United States and around the world with her love of flying and her courage to do the unthinkable. She was a symbol for women's empowerment and for freedom. This movie, presented by Fox Searchlight and Avalon Pictures, keeps audiences gripped to their seats and remind us all that with determination, we can achieve our highest dreams. Both Swank’s and Gere’s portrayal of their characters makes this a compelling movie that you will not want to miss.


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