Exhibition Schedule




Erasing Borders: Indian Artists in the Diaspora


Alka Mukerji
Alka Mukerji Alka Mukerji
Professor, Studio Art Department (Teaching Painting,Drawing) Manhattanville College.
mukerjia@mville.edu   or   alka9@yahoo.com

Education - MFASUNY, New Paltz, New YorkMFABanaras Hindu University, Varanasi India Ph. D. in Art HistoryBanaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India Higher Studies of ArtsGreek Ministry of Education ScholarshipAthens Greece.

SHOWS AND MAJOR EXHIBITIONS - IndiaArt Gallery, Pune, India - Gallery Mai, Tokyo, Japan- Gallery KiKi, Chiba, Japan - Kristen Art Gallery, Hamburg, Germany -Village Art Gallery, Katonah, New York -The Artists’ Guild, Fort Lee, New Jersey -ABC Gallery, Mount Vernon, New York -Meserve Coale Gallery, Greenwich, Connecticut -The Soho Gallery at 678 Broadway, New York, New York-The Community Gallery, Jersey City, New Jersey -The Darisuz Gubala Gallery of Madison Avenue,  New York -Jwahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur, India -National Exhibition of Lalit Kala Academy, Lucknow, India  -Passaic County College, Passaic, New Jersey -The Gallery of Farleigh Dickinson University, Teaneck, NJ -Birla Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta, India -Morgain Industrial Gallery, Jersey City, New Jersey-All India Fine Arts & Crafts Exhibition, Calcutta, India -University Gallery at SUNY, New Paltz, New York  -Arts & Music Center, Elmer, New Jersey -National Exhibition of Lalit Kala Academy, New Delhi, India) -Fourth Drawing Laboratory of High Education, Athens, Greece -Lalit Kala Academy, Calcutta, India -All India Drawing Exhibitions, New Delhi, India -Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta, India -Chandigarh Art Society, Punjab, India.

Other Activities - Board of  Judges: Grants and Scholarships in Art, Music and TheaterPassaic County, Passaic New Jersey Director of Brownson Art Gallery, Manhattanville College:Currently involved in selection of artists and planning of professional shows.Organize Gallery lectures, talks, and presentations 


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