Exhibition Schedule




Erasing Borders: Indian Artists in the Diaspora

Anna Bhushan

      Anna Bhushan       Anna Bhushan
       Anna Bhushan       Anna Bhushan
      Anna Bhushan       Anna Bhushan
      Anna Bhushan       Anna Bhushan
      Title: The Mother of Difficulties, The Perception of Difficulties
      Date: July 2006
      Size: 14” x 20” Framed Diptych
      Materials: Gouache and water color on paper
      Price: $1500 (framed)

      Title: The Intrinsic Nature of the Soul of Difficulties
      Date: July 2006
      Size: 19” x 27” Framed
      Materials: Water color on paper
      Price: $1800 (framed)


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