



Erasing Borders: Passport to Contemporary Indian Art  Feb-June 2008

Mareena Waheeda Daredia

Mareena Waheeda Daredia is a New Jersey based artist, curator and an educator. She was born in Pakistan and grew up in United Arab Emirates and Canada.  Her recent photography series “Rituals and Taboos” and “Zabiha: halal meat slaughter house” explore the religious, cultural and personal rituals of muslims living in North America.

Daredia holds a B.F.A. from York University, Toronto and an M.F.A. in Photography and Media Arts from Pratt Institute, New York. She teaches “Indian Cinema” and “Art History” at Pratt Institute. 

Her work is shown at Queens Museum, Arts India Gallery, P.S. 122, Kentler Drawing space, Henry Street Settlement, Rotunda Gallery and Rutgers amongst many other venues. She has been invited to speak at the International Center for Photography, Pratt Institute and several other art organizations.

Recently, she curated an acclaimed group show of 24 artists, called “Changing Climate, Changing Colors” shown at Henry Street Settlement.


Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York
Masters of Fine Arts - 2003
Graduated with distinction
York University, Toronto, Canada
Bachelors of Fine Arts -1996
Graduated with distinction

Selected Group and *Solo Exhibitions

2007     Iconology: Red Saw Gallery, NJ (curated by Shelton Walker and David Smith)
2007     Sultana’s dream: Exit Art, NY (curated by Jaishri Abhichandani)
2007     Re-Generation: Kentler International Drawing Center, NY. (curated by Joan Snyder and Molly                Fink-   Snyder)
2007     Re-Generation: Smack Mellon Gallery, NY (curated by Joan Snyder and Molly Fink-Snyder)
2006     Radiant: Rotunda Gallery, NY (curated by Patrick Grenier)
2006     Eye on Me: Portraits of Muslim Women, Gruss Center of Visual Arts, Lawrenceville school, NJ.               (curated by Ayse Turgut)
2006     *A Closer Look, Henry Street Settlement, NY
2006     Bearings: The Female Figure, PS122, NY. (curated by Allen Frame)
2005     Re-Generation: Rutgers University, NJ
2005     Fatal Love: Queens Museum, NY. (curated by Jaishri Abhichandani)
2004     Territories: Arts India Gallery, NY
2004     Recent Works 3: Schaffler Gallery, Pratt institute, NY (curated by Allen Frame)
2003     *Rituals: Steuben East Gallery, Pratt Institute, NY
2003     Recent Works 2: Steuben West Gallery, Pratt Institute, NY
2002     Recent Works 1: Steuben West Gallery, Pratt Institute, NY
2002     Tuscany Show: Steuben West Gallery, Pratt Institute, NY
2001     Open Studios: Steuben Gallery, Pratt Institute, NY
1996     *Looking Through My Eyes: York University, Toronto, Canada
1995     *Seven-Year Cycle: University of Toronto Gallery, Toronto, Canada

Selected Curatorial Experience

“Changing Climates, Changing Colors: Works of Contemporary Muslims Artists”
2007     Henry Street Settlement, NY
Juried submissions and selected works of 24 artists from all disciplines

“Tuscany Show”
2003     Pratt Institute, NY
Juried submissions and selected works of 20 artists from various disciplines.

Genki Design”. Ebisu Art Center, Japan - 1999
Juried and selected works of 12 artists from various design fields.

Selected Bibliography

Changing Climate, Changing Colors: Art Papers, May-June, 2007
Changing Climate, Changing Colors: Bibi Magazine, April 23rd, 2007
A Glimpse of New York from a Magic Carpet: New York Arts Magazine, May/June, 2005
Bollywood 101: Little India Magazine,, February, 2005
South Asia as Ethnic Background, Artistic Foreground: Wall Street Journal, March 22nd, 2005
South Asian American Art Now: EGO Magazine, April, 2005
Finalists Photographers: PDN Magazine, New York, 2004
Photographers Present: South Asian Women Creative Collective, New York, 2003
Mareena Daredia:, New York, 2002


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