About the Exhibition
Description of Exhibition
Participating Artists
Curator's Statement
Schedule of Exhibitions
Sponsor Benefits
Press Release
Advertise in the EB Catalogue
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Slideshow of
Participating Artists

Art and Visual Culture in India 1857-2007
Art and Visual Culture
Indian Art

Contemporary Indian Art
IAAC Erasing Borders Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora


There are numerous ways in which you can position your company or brand to the arts community as well as the arts audiences.. Our Erasing Borders brochure is available at all our art exhibitions, in our office, as well as online. It is also sent to all media, art critics, art galleries, advertisers, sponsors and corporate contributors.

Your advertising dollars are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable by law.

Advertising Rates:

Full page               $1,000 (8" x 8 ")
Half page               $ 500 (4" x 8 ")

To advertise in the EB brochure or to send Ad artwork as High-resolution (600 DPI) PDFs to please email
Amina B Ahmed at

All camera ready advertisements should be accompanied by a cheque and sent to the following address by February 15, 2010

517East 87th Street, Suite 1B,
New York, NY 10128.
Phone: 212 594 3685



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