Indo-American arts council's 7th annual erasing borders 2010:
Exhibition of contemporary Indian art of the Diaspora
Erum Chughtai
Erum Chughtai Erum Chughtai

Artist Statement

Art to me is celebration of life. I celebrate by communicating all that’s worth sharing in life. My inspiration has always been from objects which are around me. I play with them incorporating my personal thoughts and construct a new meaning for myself.


Erum Chughtai was born in 1976, Quetta, Pakistan and received BFA (specialized in Miniature Painting) from National College of Arts Lahore, Pakistan (1999). She had several group exhibitions at National Gallery, Alhamra Arts Gallery, Croweaters, Ijaz Gallery and Canvas Gallery. She moved to USA in 2003 and attended an art residency in Vermont. She lives and works in Long Island, NY.


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