Indo-American arts council's 7th annual erasing borders 2010:
Exhibition of contemporary Indian art of the Diaspora
Rasika Reddy
RasikaReddy Rasika Reddy

Artist Statement

As an artist of Indian origin living abroad, I have always been interested in the cultural and religious amalgamation and assimilations in society. Over the centuries all civilizations have and continue to experience mass movements of people, cultures and religions. To what degree does this exchange of ideas and culture work peacefully? When does the tolerance of new ideas change to hostility and resistance? In the past I have used multiple layers of different cultural images and icons to portray the coming together of different worlds. Now, I have introduced a new element into my visual language: Smoke and charring. I find the marks made by the soot fascinating at many levels. The sheer beauty and delicacy seems to counteract the insidious and the destructive power of fire. The use of the Tibetan prayer flags is more symbolic than narrative. It alludes to a certain religion and culture but I do not intend it to be confined it to the current turmoil in Tibet. My art is not specific to history or a region. It is more about cultures imposing themselves on each other. The strong color and decorative motifs have always played an important role in my works. I feel that both these are an integral part of being Indian. However, I hope to engage the viewer not just at the decorative level but also at a conceptual and formal level.


Rasika Reddy is an artist based in Summit, New Jersey. She was born in India and was educated in India and England. She decided to pursue her passion for art while living in England. Drawing from her own background she tries to create a visual language that is evocative of an eastern culture. She believes that visual art is an under utilized medium for understanding other cultures. The amalgamation of the various cultures over the centuries has become the main subject of her paintings. She uses many layers of different cultural images, and icons to portray a coming together of different worlds.


1994-2000: BA Hons Fine Art, West Surrey University for Art and Design, Farnham, Surrey, U.K.
1993-1994: BTEC Fine Arts. Brooklands College, Weybridge, Surrey UK
1978-1980: MA Philosophy, Central University , Hyderabad , India
1976-1978: Bachelor of Science Osmania University, Hyderabad, India


Reddy-Heller, Morristown Community Theatre , March 2008
Surface Chants, Kalahita Art Gallery, India, January 2008
Members show, Visual Art Center of NJ, June 2006
Music as Muse, Printmaking Council, NJ, May 2006
Visual Voices, Osterley House, Twickenham, UK, May 2006
Inner Feelings, Gallery Space, Hyderabad, March 2006
State Gallery of Fine Art, Hyderabad, India, Dec 2005
Eastern Expressions, Watchung Art Center, NJ, Oct 2005
Members Show, NJCVA, June 2005
Small Impressions, NJ Printmaking Council, June 2004
Harmony: Mumbai, India, April 2004
Visual Voices: Maltings Farnham Surrey, UK, Sept, 2003
Denver, Colorado, USA, 2001
Surrey Institute of Art and Design, Farnham, U.K, 2000
Whiteleys, Bayswater, London, 2000
The Fringe Festival, Woking, U.K, 1994

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