Indo-American arts council's 7th annual erasing borders 2010:
Exhibition of contemporary Indian art of the Diaspora
Shaurya Kumar
Shaurya Kumar

Artist Statement

Artist (the subject) coming in contact with the physical environment (the object) enters a relationship in which the subject-object interplay begins to form a new world of perceptible realities.

On this new plane / playground the creative imagination of the artist constructs a parallel reality - a reality that is based on this dynamic interaction between the artist-being and nature. Here is revealed the hidden and the unseen from the surface of the physical reality.

The picture plane of the work is, thus, the ground where this enchanting display reveals its frozen references in terms of dynamic configurations of linear edges (lines) created by vibrant colors of various intensities; compartmentalized areas of differing proportions; characters revealing direct tactile references (textures), leading to the overwhelming togetherness of the actual picture i.e., the reflection of the physical, not referring to the physical identity of any particular space-time bound happening in isolation.


2007 Master of Fine Arts (Studio Art). University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, Concentration in Printmaking
2002 Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting). University of Delhi, New Delhi, INDIA, Specialization in Intaglio

Teaching Experience (Addendum #1)

2007 - Present Assistant Professor, Bowling Green State University, OH
An Interdisciplinary position to teach traditional printmaking techniques (relief, intaglio, lithography and mono­printing) and to design courses that integrate traditional two dimensional art methods with digital technology

2006 - 07 Instructor of Record, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Solely responsible for teaching one section each semester of Color Theory & Design (Art 295) and assisting six hour per week in an additional class in printmaking or design

Fall 2005 Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Assisted in Color Theory & Design and Beginning Screen print

Feb 2004 Adjunct Professor, University of Delhi, New Delhi, INDIA
Introduced the subject of Experimental printmaking in the Foundation course

Selected Work Experience

Apr - Aug 2005
Research Assistant
, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Awarded research assistantship to assist Prof. Beauvais Lyons in organizing IMPACT IV International Printmaking conference in Germany and Poland in September 2005. Also received a travel grant to attend the conference

Jan - May 2005
Graduate Assistant
, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Worked as a graduate assistant in the University’s Downtown Gallery and helped installing numerous shows, maintaining the gallery and gallery hours

September - December 2003
Research Associate, National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, INDIA (Addendum #2)
Conducted on-field primary research on the handicraft traditions in the states of Orissa, Jharkhand and Delhi for a government funded project “Handmade in India”. The writings are published in a 3 volume encyclopedia (publication) that was released in July 2008

May 2001 - June 2003
Research Associate & Digital Restorer
, Benoy K Behl Films, New Delhi, INDIA (Addendum #3)

  • The Paintings of India: a series of 26 documentary films tracing the history of rich painting tradition of India from prehistoric to modern
  • Kashmir: The Crucible of Cultures: a series of 2 films tracing the history and influences of art of the state of Kashmir
  • Digitally restored 6th century Buddhist mural paintings from the caves of Ajanta
  • Initiated the development of a digital library of more than 27,000 slides and photographs by Mr. Benoy K Behl

One & Two Person Exhibitions

2010 Masterworks: Visualizations of Binary Degradation, Charleston Heights Art Center, Las Vegas, NV

The Lost Museum: The Fate of World’s Greatest Lost Treasures, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. (Visiting artist lecture & student critiques in conjunction to the solo exhibition)

The Lost Museum: The Fate of World’s Greatest Lost Treasures, Los Angeles Center for
Digital Arts, Los Angeles, CA

Masterworks: Visualizations of Binary Degradation, Digital Artists’ Space, Troy, NY

The Lost Museum: The Fate of World’s Greatest Lost Treasures, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Masterworks, Gallery 1010, Knoxville, TN

Works by Shaurya Kumar & TeaYoun Kim-Kassor, Gallery 1010, Knoxville, TN
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