
IAAC Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora 2012

Claudia Dias
Claudia Dias
Claudia Dias
I am interested in Macro- and Micro-structures, which reflect in a broader sense our human dimensions.
In these 3 larger etchings (ca. 5.5"x 5.5") I am looking into the surface of objects which obviously are bigger then what we can see, but which can tell their long history through their surfaces’ “interactions”.  
My etchings are black and white interpretations of false color images available through NASA. I generally print them in editions of 3.

born:                Dec. 28, 1965 in Munich, Germany (as Indian Citizen)
languages:     German, English, French, Japanese

1997                Master in Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning; Berlage Institute Amsterdam                           (MA.);
1993                two terms guest student at the Architecture Association, London
1991-92          Diploma in Architecture, Fachhoch-Schule Munich (FH Dipl. Ing)
1990-91          studies in Philosophy and Film Critic at the University of Vienna, Austria
1985-86          Undergraduate studies in Engineering at the Technical University Munich, Germany
1972-85          "Abitur" at the Rudolf Steiner School Munich, Germany ; focus of the Rudolf Steiner education is to support the individual creativity of a person; art, theater, music, languages and literature are key subjects in the 13 years long education
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