
IAAC Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora 2012

Jigar Patel
Jigar Patel

Jigar Patel



Jigar A. Patel is the first American born member of a Gujarati family. Born and raised in New Jersey with a high level of cultural and artistic influence from New York City, Jigar has developed his work through mostly self taught skills.  A passion for oil painting led him to pursue a dual degree with a B.A. in Economics from Rutgers University and a B.F.A in Fine Arts from Mason Gross School of the Arts.  Jigar currently works in the marketing and design world of progressive internet organizations.  With a passion for fashion and experience as an Art Director with companies like Polo Ralph Lauren, Jigar also is the Creative Director of his own graphic clothing line,


I am an artist whom derives my inspiration from nature, spirituality and modern culture. My recent works focus on combining nature and spirituality through using color and form to exude kinetic and potential energy. Further developing my latest work I have begun to introduce modern human culture, which is continuously deteriorating the environment around us. Both socially and environmentally we as a society and individuals continue to become mentally intertwined with life's duties while not taking the time to evaluate our decisions and usage of time. As much as time heals it also does not wait or allow us to retract negative decisions or even lack of decisions. Time will elude us as individuals and a society. Without introspection to ones focus on a true quest of a spiritual journey one can easily loose focus of time and waste life pursuits focusing on worldly attachments and desires. With evolution comes conflict and environmental forces far greater than mans physical strength, however mans spiritual strength can reach peaks that transcend worldly attachments. Along the journey man encounters every God created element of this world and through time has taken the pristine for granted. Unfortunately we are now the catalyst for creating elements of poison(Jaher) that can come in many forms. My presented work represents this man made element of poison which through our existence has been amerced in our environment and now modern society. This is an elusive additive to our world which we can only limit our exposure to, but will always exist and evolve as rapid as time eludes us.

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