
IAAC Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora 2015

Radhika Mathews
Radhika Mathews
Radhika Mathews

My current work arises out of very personal experiences and involves using saris and other Indian-origin cloth as collage, combined with acrylic painting. I explore and connect with my family history and personal experiences through this work of trying to combine a sense of the modern and western life I have experienced with the traditional South Indian life I have witnessed and imagined.

The sari material used in the work comes from a collection of my mother’s saris that were given to me by my father a few years ago. The work is also a process of uniting a fragmented upbringing marked by early mother-loss and the subsequent disconnect to family history along with the transitional difficulties of growing up as my immigrant parents sought to raise children in a very different society which they knew little about. I work to make beauty and substance out of personal rawness and challenge.


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