
IAAC Exhibition of Contemporary Indian Art of the Diaspora 2016

Mansoora Hassan
Mansoora Hassan

Mansoora Hassan, a multi-media artist who lives and works in both the West and the East, is fully at home within traditional Islam and liberal, secular societies.
As an image-maker, she pushes artistic limits through diverse aesthetic considerations and visual explorations of spiritual, social and political landscapes. Her combination of imagery from diverse settings expresses, examines and explores the intersection of cultural and historical perception, and addresses the inner and external conflicts infringing upon our lives.
By conjuring up the past to confront the present, Hassan’s art spurs a visual dialogue forming a crucial platform for intercultural exchange and transcends the present polarization in our increasingly dissonant world to promote a sense of shared humanity.
Hassan’s works show in public and private collections worldwide, including Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Morocco, Tunisia, Malaysia, Bolivia, Uruguay, Senegal, The United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and in the USA.
Mansoora received an MFA from Pratt Institute, New York. She has lived in Bolivia, Egypt, Turkey and continues her peripatetic journeys between Lahore, New York, and Washington, D.C.


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