Opening Night Schedule

Cast / Crew


The Story

Background Of The Film

Director's Notes

About The Characters

About The Production

About The Cast

About The Filmakers




FIFTH ANNUAL IAAC FILM FESTIVAL: Indian Independent & Diaspora Films
- November 2-6, 2005.

"Deepa Mehta's Water is a magnificent film. The ensemble acting of the women in the widows' hostel is exceptional: intimate, painful, wounded, jaundiced, corrupted, tender, tough. The fluid lyricism of the camera provides an unsettling contrast to the arid difficulties of the characters' lives. The film has serious, challenging things to say about the crushing of women by atrophied religious and social dogmas, but, to its great credit, it tells its story from inside its characters, rounding out the human drama of their lives, and unforgettably touching the heart."

-Salman Rushdie
From: Nads J, Toronto, Canada
Water: Drenched in `Colonial Benevolence'
By: Kamal Arora, Saydia Kamal, Usamah Ahmad
Film Review: Water
A Mongrel Media (in Canda) / Fox Searchlight relese (in U.S.) of a David Hamilton production. ( International sales: Celluloid Dreams, Paris.) Produced by David Hamilton. Executive producers, Mark Burton, Ajay Virmani, Doug Mankoff Hamilton.

Deepa & Water & The Economist - Oct 20, 2005 - Books & Arts

Asian cinema

Deep trouble
Oct 20th 2005 | BUSAN, SOUTH KOREA
From The Economist print edition

An Indian film stars at the world's biggest festival of Asian film


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