Vijai Nathan
Dan Nainan
Vidur Kapur
Sarita Choudhry
Aasif Mandvi
Inside Comedy: IAAC with At Vermilion - January 25, 2009

Vidur Kapur

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Vidur Kapur was nominated by MTV Network's Logo channel for a "NewNowNext" Award as "Brink of Fame:Comic". He was selected as a NY finalist by NBC's "Stand Up for Diversity" and performed in Caroline's New York Comedy Festival as part of the "Stand Up for Diversity" showcase. He was also highlighted on FOX news as, "A comedian you want to remember". He was chosen as one of the top four Asian comics in North America to perform at the world famous "Just for Laughs" Comedy Festival in Montreal in July 2006. Vidur and his stand up comedy are the subject of a short film which was shown on Steven Spielberg's "On The Lot" on FOX television. He has co-starred with Margaret Cho in MTV LOGO's "Outlaugh Festival on Wisecrack". Vidur was featured in a Reuters Television piece around the world on " Prominent South Asians in the Media". Vidur has been seen in international media and television including, NBC, CBC in Canada, NPR, TV Asia, New Delhi TV, MTV Desi and PBS's Asian America. He has toured internationally including Canada, India, the UK, Ireland, South Africa and the Carribbean. Vidur was one of the original "Gurus of Comedy" in a show produced in 2003 along with Russell Peters and was nominated in the category of "Favourite South Asian Comedian" for the South Asian Media Awards, 2005. Vidur has also been one of the comedians selected to be included in a documentary on leading comedians in America called " Making Funny" and headlined a DVD that has recently been released called "Indian Invasion"

Vidur Kapur's stand-up comedy is based on the social commentary of a one-man culture clash. A South Asian raised in a conservative upper middle class family in New Delhi, an overachiever with a degree from The London School of Economics and Ph.D. coursework from the University of Chicago, a misfit in a family focused on arranged marriages and social status, a chic urban trend-crazy gay fashion victim in West Hollywood and Manhattan, a corporate executive from blue chip international firms, an immigrant to the US and a person horrified at being mistaken for a terrorist in a post 9/11 America.


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